Tuesday, 11 March 2014

I Don't Understand Him...

I love Andrew and I don't mean to rag on him, but I just had to participate in this link-up. Simply because I'm sure I'm not alone in this.

There are things that Andrew says that I just do understand.

Such as...

"Where are my keys/cellphone/wallet?"

I hear this at least a few times a week. I don't get it. How do you lose these things? We have a key hook, you're always on your cellphone, your wallet is huge!

"Where is my credit/debit card?"

Similar to the previous question, but still asked. Again, I don't get it. Why isn't it in your wallet? Maybe it is in your wallet but since you can't find that, you don't know where your cards are. Usually though, it's not his wallet. It's in a pocket or something. Uh, what?

"What do you mean? The house is clean!" 

We have very different definitions of clean. Granted, for the most part, Andrew is pretty neat and tidy (except when he's busy). But, when I see the slightest bit of grim in the bathroom sink, I think it's time to clean it. He doesn't. He'll let it get all nice and grimy and still say it's clean. I mean, really grimy. So grimy, that you can't tell the sink/tub was once white. But, he doesn't notice it. Gross.

Tell me I'm not alone in this!

Voyage of the Mee Mee


  1. guys and girls definition of clean is WAY different. they have a very high tolerance for gross bathrooms/messy rooms and it's only when they can't walk around or can't stand the smell that it's considered "dirty". i don't get that. and yuck

    -kathy | Vodka and Soda

  2. When Blake shaves his massive beard, he pushes all the little hairs into the middle of the sink. And then he tells me it's clean. And I go in the bathroom to brush my teeth and there in the sink lies a beard. I know that the sink didn't grow it all on its own.

    Men need to learn to clean dammit!

  3. If we are having people over I always like to really clean the apartment, and Sam's like" Why? It's already clean." No. just no. x

  4. Oh my gosh Pete is ALWAYS asking me where shit is! I swear, sometimes it's like having a toddler! haha

  5. Haha I love reading this linkup! My husband is the same way with "losing" his stuff-- meaning he usually doesn't even look for it! haha

  6. Sometimes I think Dereck's idea of clean is better than mine. But then other times I realize that was just hell freezing over for a split second.

  7. Haha - I don't understand how those things get lost either!

  8. Living with men in my past I'll tell you that you're not alone in the aloof to grime and grout conversation. Either they don't care or they can't see it. Like how dogs can hear high frequency noises and people can't.

  9. but i totally cleaned up that one spot on the counter, what do you mean dishes in the sink isn't clean?

  10. haha men, they always think it's clean!

  11. SERIOUSLY mine says the exact same thing (especially about losing his keys/bank cards). Every single day it's the same thing over and over again! If he would just keep it in the same place every day, the problem would be solved! Too easy for them, hey?

  12. uggggh my version of clean and brad's version of clean are very, very different.

  13. "babe where is the dish washing soap"......I paused and didn't say a word (clearly we know now how often he does dishes)...."oh never mind I found it underneath the sink"....WHERE IT ALWAYS IS....is what I wanted to scream....but I held back ;-)

  14. AHHH the house is clean!!!??? I always ask Kyle to define 'clean' because my guess is it would be a lot like my definition of 'dirty'. The wallet/cell/keys---every.single.day!

    Too funny!!

  15. lol I've heard most of these before too...

  16. Hahaha! My husband ask about his keys, wallet, and sunglasses on a regular basis!! It drives me crazy! :)

  17. my dad can never find his glasses LOL guys are weird.



  18. Haha.. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!! Definitely not alone. Men just think and see differently ya know!? It would be so fun to be a guy for a day. Imagine the things you would overlook just because you're a guy!?! Would it be like wearing blinders to all things that drive girls crazy!?? Can you imagine how great life would be- through the eyes of a man..? :)

  19. My boyfriend is the same exact way when it comes to cleaning...I am always cleaning and he never thinks our house is dirty, drives me nuts! ha!

  20. oh my gosh, boys have a crazy idea of what "clean" is. ugh.

  21. You are so not alone! My boyfriend loses everything all the time. Not his phone, though, that's like his other hand! :)

  22. I'm actually the one that loses everything in my marriage but our definitions of clean are VERY different. Men make piles. SO many piles. Like just stacking all the baby toys in the corner behind the couch is NOT cleaning, or where they belong. God help me!

  23. Matthew is pretty good at not losing his stuff but the our definition clean is different. He thinks wiping off the counter with a dry paper towel is cleaning it, me on the other hand pull out the cleaner and use that a wet rag and scrub that dang counter until everything is off of it lol. Boys are in their own world sometimes!!!!


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