Friday, 21 February 2014

Tim Hortons & Other Favs

Ever have one of those mornings where everything with your makeup goes wrong? No? Just me? Cool. I don't know why, but I couldn't get it together. The colours of my shadows didn't blend well, my eyeliner smudged, I ended up putting a glob of mascara on my eyelashes - which went everywhere! If that's my biggest problem though, I'm doing pretty well. Here's five things that made me happy this week:

one. Chris & Vic. One of our favourite couples ever, Chris & Vic, came all the way from Montreal to see us. They're staying with us for the whole weekend and I can't wait to spend time with them!
two. flying. My phone sucks at taking pictures that involve light, but that was the view when we were close to landing on Monday night. The flight was bumpy and if it wasn't for a great pilot (Andrew), I would have been scared shitless. But, that view though.
three. roll up the rim. This is definitely a Canadian thing, but Roll Up The Rim To Win at Tim Hortons is back. So far I'm 1-1. I have a French Vanilla in my hand right now. Wish me luck!
four. chocolate. That's not just any kind of chocolate, that's homemade chocolate that Chris brought and made for us. It's like heaven. I'm not a chocolate person and, seriously guys, it's like heaven. I might have to get him to guest post a recipe for it!
five. chicken. Speaking of Tim Hortons, they now have a breaded chicken sandwich. It's so good! I was actually the first person ever at that location to order it. They were so confused when I asked for it and they had no idea how to make it. I don't know what they ended up putting in it, but it was really, really good.

Maybe I just have really bad taste in music, but this song is constantly in my head. It makes me want to get up and dance. Since I'm a really bad dancer, it makes me want to move my body to the beat in a way that makes me look ridiculous.

Have a great weekend!

 photo H54Fbutton-1_zpsa7aaa665.pngxoxo Rebecca


  1. it's always so much fun to have friends in town!! also your song choice... NICE!

  2. I have those days with my makeup. It's not just you!

  3. good song!! lol that's on my "pre game" list before my girls go out.

  4. I have makeup days like that all the time because I usually do mine in the car on the way to work (in the passenger seat ;)!! TH Breaded Chicken sandwich sounds yummy! Happy Friday!

  5. I have those makeup days most days... X

  6. Love rolling up the rim and finding a winner! Good luck with your cups. Flying must be fabulous! Hope you have a great weekend.

  7. OH man... I hate it when your eyes looks really great and then you go and poke yourself or brush your eyeball with the mascara wand.. then my eye tears up and my lashes get all effed up. See I put my eyeshadow on first, so when I put on mascara and I end up putting a glob on my eyelid and ruin all of my hard work.

  8. I'm a bad dancer too! Haha and I hate when those makeup days happen. The worst for me is when I've perfected my mascara.... and then I have to sneeze and it gets all over my lid. Not cool!

  9. i want, no need, that chocolate.

  10. I dropped my mascara wand this morning and it rolled on my bathroom floor.....I really need to clean my bathroom was not pretty....that song makes me want to dance too! I think I can dance but I really can't.....doesn't stop me from trying though ;-)

  11. that flight photo is awesome! and I want that chocolate right now.
    -- jackie - jade and oak

  12. i won a donut today and i was so excited

  13. So far I am 2-0 for my Roll Up the Rim and never heard of their breaded chicken sandwich but will check it out!

  14. Home made chocolate from your sweetie??! That's true love :) :)

    Happy Friday, sweet girl!!

  15. Why is it that you can do your makeup the exact same every day but some days it looks awesome and other days it looks like absolute SHIT?! So annoying!
    I think they have roll up the rim here, too... but I'm not sure because I only get iced capps from Tim Hortons... SO DAMN GOOD!

  16. I played Roll up the Rims two days ago for the first time. When I won a free coffee, I started ripping up the rim but it tore halfway through and I ended up only getting 'gagner un latte' and I thought... okay, it still says I won a free coffee, so I went to Timmy's and the (stupid) cashier told me I can't use my rim because it was "broken". He then showed me that the rim needs to contain the entire sentence and I just glared at him and coughed up another $2.10 for my French Vanilla.

  17. i've got that song playing to wake me up! hehe

  18. That is a view right there! And you say Canadians don't like donuts....hehe :)


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