Monday, 13 January 2014

A Weekend Indoors

Since our attempts at hibernation were unsuccessful last weekend, we tried again this weekend; and succeeded! Unfortunately, this makes for a horrendously boring blog post. Sorry. 

This weekend consisted of long walks with Misty. 

Followed by cuddles. 

This face is priceless.
Andrew doing pretty much all the cooking (the only cooking I did this weekend consisted of using the slow cooker. That counts, right?). 

Oh, and I got rid of my long hair. Yes, the picture below is my AFTER hair (after getting rid of the long hair). There's a story about it though which will come later this week.

How was your weekend?


  1. dog cuddling makes for the best weekends!
    -- jackie @ jade and oak

  2. Oooh...cliffhanger with the haircut! I want to see it too!

  3. Andrew doing the cooking sounds fine to me! Yes, slow cooker recipes do count (and are one of the best things, in my opinion - so easy!)

    Love love love your haircut!

  4. Love the new hair! I recently "cut" mine and it's hardly noticeable. I wish I wasn't such a wuss. Yay for a weekend of R&R!

  5. I also want to see the hair!

  6. Those type of weekends are the best!! I did that most of Saturday with some naps in there haha!

  7. Thats pretty much all me and my pup did this weekend lol

  8. your hair looks so good!!! I love it!

  9. Using the slow cooker totally counts as cooking. It's almost impossible to mess food up in those things.

  10. yay for haircuts!!!!! and puppy snuggles.

  11. A slow cooker totally counts as cooking. I mean it has cooking right there in the name! And puppy snuggles are a great way to spend a weekend!
    - Rachel @ With Love, Rachel

  12. your hair looks so pretty! :) and i'm jealous of your weekend in!

  13. Your hair still looks long, beautiful and flowing...! Sometimes a weekend in, is just the right thing.. Not great blogging material but meh.. good for the soul!

  14. Such a sweet pup! We did the same thing - hibernating weekends are the best!

  15. Your hair looks amazing! I love it and I can't wait to hear the story... x


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