Friday, 24 January 2014

Open Bars. I mean, Open Houses.

There were two things I really didn't like about this week: getting locked out and the cold weather. Why am I not on a warm beach right now? Ah, well. There was lots of good this week. Here's five!

one. selfies. I had to attend an Open House this week for work. Andrew came with me. Because we're cool, we took selfies there. Did I mention there was an open bar?
two. open house. It was a fantastic night of networking and some kind of alcoholic beverage that was poured over cotton candy. I was told to attend more of these events. I'm already looking forward to the next one!
three. Misty. That bone is like crack to her. After she ate half of it, I took it away (what? She still had to have dinner). Smart puppy knew where I put the bone and sat and watched the bag it was in. She's got Jedi powers. 
four. food. I made spicy ranch chicken, with beans, shredded over a bed of rice. There were a ton of leftovers and I put them in tortillas. I thought it tasted like Taco Bell. Andrew didn't. Whatever. 
five. food. Did you know the Eaton Center has a bar in it? They also have after work specials. Mmm.
Have a great weekend! 

 photo H54Fbutton-1_zpsa7aaa665.pngxoxo Rebecca


  1. i wish i could network! i tried but in the end, i just stook in the corner with my RBF on def con5

    Vodka and Soda

    1. RBF?

      I'm shit at networking too. I'd rather stay home and watch the OG 90210 season one on netflix (which is totally what's going to happen tonight)

  2. Mmm that chicken looks good! Definitely healthier than Taco Bell too! :) Networking is something I really need to work on, and I think it just gets easier with time (hopefully!)

  3. Can I please just come spend a foodie week with you? I am so jealous of all the yummy stuff you post!

  4. Alcohol over cotton candy sounds like my dream come true! And I bet your dinner tasted way better than taco bell. Have a great weekend! x

  5. #3 - my dogs so do that too! Even when I put the bag behind the pantry door! GAH!
    Glad to have stumbled by your blog - fun post!

  6. I want that chicken!!! looks yummy!

  7. please share your recipe that chicken looks diviiiiiiiiiine

  8. i put all my leftovers in tortilla shell form! it's the best way to eat left overs.

  9. Dogs and bones haha my pup always buries hers and then gets super sad and depressed.

  10. if there's an open bar, you know it's a good time!

  11. I love making burrito bowls with leftover chicken like that. I could eat it for days!

  12. That chicken looks amazing! And aren't puppies so funny like that?!

  13. We call my dog's bones "crack pipe" and he knows what that means. If we say "go get your crack pipe" he'll legit go run and find it and bring it to us! haha

  14. my dog's treat of choice is toilet paper. he doesn't eat it but shreds it. he even hides it like a hoarder!

  15. You and your pictures of food!!!! I am always craving SOMETHING after I read your 5 for Friday OR for sure your weekend recap posts!!

  16. Love that your dog has jedi powers. My sister's in laws dog has the too. She does the all knowing stare at where you may have put her bone/kong. She is also super supicious of anyone in a wearing a hoodie with the hood up. lol Crazy dog.

    I agree your food does always look super tasty! :)


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