Monday, 27 January 2014

A Weekend of Eating

In true Alex fashion (yes, I just coined that), my weekend consisted of food. 

Went out with some friends to a jazz club for dinner. The band was just okay so we didn't stay. Instead, we went to Spice Route for shots and drinks. 
Ew. Tequila. I did a Polar Bear. Yum!

I really didn't feel like leaving the house. The weather has been getting crappier and crappier. Other than going over to my dads for a bit, Andrew and I spent the night in.


Andrew left early in the morning to do a flight ('tis the life of a pilot) so I went out with friends that night. 
I ended up adding sauce to these wings and they were aaaamazing.
The place we I chose was awesome. Half priced wings. Half priced appetizers. $4.50 pints. Um, yes please.
Some of my favourite people, ever.
 Outside is snowy, slushy and gross. Actually kind of glad I have work today since I would not want to be out in this weather. 

How's the weather where you are?


  1. Food is soooo good. Dieting is so hard for me because I LOVE FOOD. All food. I have found that weight watchers food is delicious and good for I've been getting that lately. :)

  2. I haven't had lunch yet and the first photo of the pasta dish made me so hungry that I literally had to pop a piece of gum to try to satisfy my cravings somehow! x

  3. i hear you. this winter sucks so hard and all the snow that just got dumped on us is making traffic miserable.

    -kathy | Vodka and Soda

  4. Yum, your food this weekend looks delicious! Our weather is supposed to turn slushy and gross today with a rain/snow mix, so I feel your pain. It's been a gross winter weather-wise for us so far, and sounds like in T.O. too.

  5. It was 58 yesterday and today is 24 and dropping all day!! Such a tease!! On the other hand, that food looks DELICIOUS!!

  6. A weekend of food is always a good weekend indeed! It's been a while since I've had wings and those look delish! Our weather has been super bipolar (per the usual in Texas) and we've jumped from the low 20s last week to 60s-70s this weekend (beautiful!) and will be back in the 20s again tomorrow. It's very confusing!

  7. half priced wings? sign me up please

  8. I think I'm going to rename your blog; Food Porn. Mmmm.. Those wings.. oh those wings.. AND- those deals. Half priced wings, $4.50 beers.. my kind of place.

  9. what is a polar bear?

    also what is that food it looks delicious.

    why am i so obsessed with food? i should have said something else, like "wow your weekend looked like fun" instead I focus on the food. #fattylife

  10. That pasta looks awesome. Confession: Sometimes I miss chicken wings. This is one of those times. ;-)

  11. Holy yuma! I think wings are probably one of God's greatest gifts to mankind.

  12. A weekend consisting of food sounds like a good weekend to me! It all looks delicious!

  13. I am always a sucker for pasta and that pasta looks amazing!!! Making me hungry already!

  14. Weekends that revolve around food are pretty much the best kind of weekends there are. :)
    The weather here BLOWS! It's supposed to be -20F tmrw with the wind chill. YIKES!


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