Wednesday, 8 January 2014

2013: Year in Review

It's finally time for my recap of 2013!

I rang 2013 in in the best way possible - with some of my closest friends! We enjoyed an abundance of food, an open bar, dancing and just good times all around.

Andrew and I went to Montreal and stayed with one of our favourite couples. We went out to a comedy bar and one of my dear friends, who moved to Montreal years ago, came out with us.

A couple weeks later, we flew to Richmond, VA.

There, we had dinner at a really nice, rustic restaurant, went bowling and acted like tourists (side note: I would love it if I could remember what sunless tanner I have on here!).

We got to take a trip to Montreal, on a private bus, to watch the TFC game. Completely free! It's nice to have friends who can hook things up for you!

In April, Andrew and I celebrated our four years at a fancy restaurant. I made it classy.

In May, we went White Water Rafting with friends, watched one of them get thrown off the boat and camped for a couple days (it was a bit chilly. In May. This makes me sad).

We danced with dinosaurs and Andrew dropped my brand new phone.

We almost stayed in a sketchy motel but upgraded to an awesome cottage where we celebrated Canada Day with friends.

My love and I went on a day cruise.

We went to Buffalo with Anjru.

I went to Playdium and decided Dave and Busters is better.

I saw New Kids on the Block in concert.

Andrew and I successfully climbed an epic mountain in Whistler, BC.

Then we had a fantastic time in Vancouver, BC as my gift to Andrew for his 25th birthday!

I ate a Krispy Kreme burger from the CNE because I'm disgusting.

Andrew and I moved into our wonderful one bedroom apartment (we've since upgraded our TV, added a rug and fixed the lighting!). We couldn't be happier!

We went to Michigan for my birthday, where we went to the zoo and conquered a haunted house.

I met the Dragon's.

Andrew took me to see Les Miserables.

Jerome had a fantastic birthday celebration.

We did a 5K and kicked some zombie ass.

I finally saw my brother on Halloween.

We took a free day trip to Niagara Falls.

Finally, we put up our Christmas tree and I continued to fall even more in love with Misty.

Phew. What a busy year! Here's to a busier and travel filled 2014!


  1. All of this looks so amazing! I hope 2014 is amazing for you!

  2. i swear, every time i see you both in that plane, i think: THAT BITCH IS BALLIN'!! :D

    what an amazing year. as for the dragons - the guy at the end (can't remember his name) - he seems so nice on the show!!!

    Vodka and Soda

  3. Aw I love this! Especially since I read all of those posts when they happened :) You guys had a great year, here's to 2014 being even better!

  4. your whole year just looks like one big adventure! i'm so jealous of the white water rafting. and your tiny planes. and your dinners. you two are so cute!

  5. Looks like a wonderful year! How was the krispy kreme burger? Looks like it'd be delicious but a strange combo (sweet & meat?)

  6. I love all the flying! And you are so beautiful! x

  7. Seriously- you have one interesting life Alex!!! AND thank you for somehow keeping a full year's recap short and snappy. That's why I didn't do one; I can't keep anything short and snappy.. so I spared everyone from having to read a long ass recap of my life. Besides having a human being (which is pretty kick ass) I didn't have nearly as interesting of a year as you did! You do so much! You should be very proud of your 2013!

    P.S. I love that Andrew dropping your BRAND NEW phone is in your yearly recap. He's probably like, "Damn !! She'll never let me live that one down!!"

  8. Vancouver might be one of my favorite cities!

  9. Such a great year! So many fun times. I need another trip to Whistler. It is one of the many things I miss about not living at the coast anymore. Not being able to do day trips to Whistler and Seattle. Although, the summertime beach city life is worth the trade for sure. :)

  10. What a wonderful year! You guys do so much traveling and exploring it's wonderful :)

  11. What an awesome year! I'm so jealous of all of the traveling you did! It looks like it was a blast. And New Kids on the Block?! I would have totally fangirled at their concert. Ah! That's so awesome!

  12. I officially feel like a lazy bum after reading this! haha

  13. You're year looks great! We went white water rafting too! Scary, but fun :)

  14. I would love it you could remember what sunless tanner you're wearing too, because you look great! I need a tan!


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