Wednesday, 6 November 2013

The Mayoral Confession Heard Around the World


By now, if you live anywhere in North America, you probably know who Rob Ford is. That's right, he's the mayor of Toronto. Specifically, the mayor of the city that I live in.

Let me preface this by saying that the above photo of Peter Griffin (from Family Guy) is an accurate depiction of our mayor. Don't believe me?

See? I wasn't kidding. If Peter lost his glasses and started going grey (or his Ford blonde? Who knows), him and Ford could be twins!

Moving on.

Lately, Ford has been under a lot of hot water. Alright, alright, Ford is generally under a lot of hot water. Here's a list of some criticism against him:

This list could go on for a while. If you want to read more, check out this list here

Something in that list that is interesting to note is that Ford admitted to lying to the media. Which is exactly what he did yesterday.

Back in May 2013, U.S. gossip site Gawker announced that they had obtained a video of Mayor Rob Ford smoking crack cocaine. Ford adamantly denied this claim and added that such a video did not exist. Last Thursday, police chief Bill Blair stated they had obtained said video, yet Ford continued to deny allegations of him smoking crack cocaine.

Yesterday, he made a confession that made headlines around the world:

"Yes, I have smoked crack cocaine."


"I don't even remember. Probably in one of my drunken stupors," Ford responded.

I don't need to go into detail of the public's response to this as that's quite obvious. Now hilarious t-shirts and memes are taking over the internet (such as these):



So what do I want to say about this is? To anyone outside of Toronto who has heard about Ford, don't let his actions negatively impact your thoughts about this city. Toronto truly is an amazing city and I'm proud to call it my home.

Has your mayor done anything he/she shouldn't have?


  1. Rob Ford makes us Winnipeggers feel hella better about our shady mayor. So thanks for that :p

  2. Oh, goodness gracious. I was mouth agape through most of this. Sometimes I feel like politicians think the rules don't apply to them.

  3. dying over those pictures!! But it's awful that someone like that can become the mayor. Hopefully people won't let him change their views on your city!!

  4. Haha the last meme is pretty funny. Back in 2008, the governor of New York had to resign for patronizing prostitutes. Tax dollars hard at work right there!

  5. Im crying laughing at the fact that he looks just like Peter!! Lol but he is ridiculous, does he not think that being a public figure the media will find out about EVERYTHING?! He shouldnt be allowed to hold any sort of position.

  6. It drives me crazy that he thinks that being in a drunken stupor makes it excusable that he has smoked crack. He's the mayor of one of the biggest cities in the world! There should be no drunken stupors!

    But I love that he looks like Peter Griffin. That's hilarious.

  7. I wrote about him today too!!! HAHA.. Oh man.. so bad. I was listing all of the things he's done.. and after awhile I was like.. holy shit.. there are sooooooooo many. He's a wreck! I don't think badly of Toronto at all. Actually I hear that he has saved Toronto a lot of money since elected, while doing all that drinking and crack smokin'!
    I said that he is probably related to the Honey Boo Boo clan. Uncle Boo Boo or something.. or Uncle Smokey Bear.. or something l like that.

  8. Ugh! I was going to ask you how you felt about this, because waiting for my flight, this was pretty much the ONLY news story on CNN etc! Also call me sheltered, but I didn't think that crack was so readily available to have it on a whim during a drunken stupor.... x

  9. hahahaa he really does look like Peter. that's perfection.

  10. Such a good post. He totally does look like Peter. He's such a moron. I can't even begin to talk about his stupidity or I get all pissed off haha!

  11. OMG the Edge guys had a FIELD DAY with this this morning and IT WAS SO FUNNY!!!

    Vodka and Soda

  12. I heard about this on the radio today!! Craziness... Good thing about politicians is they don't last forever...

  13. ummmm, your comparison of him and peter griffin...hahahahaha, hilarious!
    i am cracking up...steve would be too!
    you're too funny!

  14. It's interesting to see what someone who actually lives in Toronto has to say about all of this! And the Peter Griffin comparison is just so funny - my husband and I were talking about that when he was on the Today Show a couple days ago. I've only been to Toronto once, and it was several years ago, but I remember absolutely loving it, and thinking it was a great city. I'm sure one ridiculous mayor won't ruin that :)


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