Tuesday, 4 March 2014

You're Really Flexible

"You're really flexible," the random woman at the gym tells me. She's cornered me in the locker room.

I clutch my towel, making sure it's on tight. I try to stare directly at her eyes as I notice she seems to be missing a towel of her own.

"I'm sorry?" I say.

"I saw how you lifted your leg up really high. It was pretty impressive."

What the hell is she talking about?

"What are you talking about?" I ask.

"In the shower. You lifted your leg."

"You mean when I was washing my feet?"

"Oh, is that were you were doing? I can't reach my feet so I don't wash them."

I'm grossed out and then it hits me, "Wait, you were watching me shower?"

"That sounds creepy when you put it that way. I had just noticed through my shower stall that you were very bendy and I was admiring your form."

That's the less creepy way of telling me you're a creep?

"Um, thanks? I better get changed now..." I say and walk away.

I'll never be able to take a shower at the gym now without wondering if someone is watching me. Thanks, creepy lady.

Linking up for Totally Posted Tuesday


  1. yikes yikes yikes, i tell ya there are some real nuts at the gym!

    see ADRIENNE run

    1. I always thought the nuts were only in the men's locker room.

  2. That's really, really, really odd. But you are beautiful. And apparently, flexible. x

  3. ewewewewewewewewewewew EW. EW. ew. Oh my god I can't. Whyyyyyy?

  4. Ugh that story gave me anxiety when I read it.....sooooo creepy!!!!

  5. ....another reason why i don't do gyms. CREEPY!!!

    -kathy | Vodka and Soda

  6. Oh my gosh, I feel like I need to go scrub myself off after reading this. CREEPY!!

  7. Yikes!! That's the kind of thing she should have kept to herself. When I first started reading this post, I thought she was going to say you were flexible during yoga class or something...which would have been a more normal observation :P

  8. AHHH, so so SO creepy! lol Pretty sure I'd be paranoid every time I'm in the shower after that...

  9. omg i just vommed a little bit. so. creeeeeepy!

  10. "That sounds creepy when you put it that way..." BAHA! Ahh...

  11. Oh my goodness. That is just weird. I'm thoroughly creeped out.

  12. bahahahaha i die. you're so bendy.

  13. omg hahaha I was kind of hoping this turned out to be a dream or a fake story or something because I would have been totally creeped out too!


  15. Noooooo stop, please tell me you're kidding! :( Time to switch gyms?!

  16. Oh my gosh! What a weirdo!


  17. Oh man I probably would have started laughing hysterically which prob would have made it worse lol

  18. LOL oh my goodness! Someone was creeping on you hard!!!!

  19. She sounds hot. You lucky duck you...

  20. Bahahahahaha! I would have been way to polite for that lady. I love that you were all like.. what are you talking about? You were watching me shower?! LOL. It's your own fault Alex, for bending soooooooooooooooooooooo good in the shower... LOL!! Totally weird and yes, you best be keeping an eye out for anymore bendy admirers.. ... ..

  21. WHAT ON EARTH. How strange!!! Are there curtains??? That would seriously creep me out too

  22. Beyond creepy!!!

    Just stopping by via the link up. Thought I'd say hi (in a non creepy way...)

  23. Bahahahahaha! What... the actual... F*#K?!

  24. This is either the start of a porno or of a serial killer movie.

  25. Oh my gosh. Was this at Goodlife? I love to read the 'missed connections' on Craig's List and I always see weird ones about Goodlife...

  26. Wow, the worst part is she doesn't even know she's CREEPY!

  27. i mean at least she was giving you a compliment? that's super way creepy, though!

  28. ummmmmmmm, YIKES, alex!!!! EEEEE, as i was reading this, i was picturing it...well, not you in the shower, but you know what i mean...hahaha and oh, you poor thing. i would be so freaked out. ohmygosh, i'm so sorry you had that happen to you.
    you seriously could write a book. a really good and funny one!! <3


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