Friday, 14 February 2014

A Long Weekend Means a Getaway

Guess what today is! It's the Friday before a long weekend! Woohoo! But first, my five for Friday.

one. open house. Andrew and I attended another open house this week at a venue I've always wanted to check out. It was gorgeous and I can't stop thinking about it. They also had a photobooth there, which we used, but the pictures came out too dark. So we took a selfie instead.
two. BeaverTail. This is definitely a Canadian thing, but there was a BeaverTail station at the open house. I was so excited! BeaverTail is basically sugar on top of heaven (it's actually fried pastry which is topped with whatever you want: sugar, nutella, chocolate...). 
three. cake. To celebrate someone's birthday this week, I had cake. I probably should have gone to the gym more often this week...
four. food. I had dinner with a friend last night at a restaurant I'm not a fan of (Pickle Barrel). The rice was actually decent though. 
 five. Misty.  I think I wore her out one day. Instead of playing with her toy, she just stared at it.

This morning, I was given a rose and a doughnut from the building I work in. I might not do Valentine's Day but it was still appreciated. Like I'm going to say no to free food. Food is the way to my heart! I also may have gone downstairs to get another doughnut. #fatass (I can't believe I just hashtagged on my blog.)

Now for the exciting news! I'm off to NYC this weekend where I'm going to see one of my favourite bloggers ever, Elizabeth! I'm so excited! More on that on Tuesday.

For now, I'm backingmyazzup to Ashanti. I can't believe she's back! She's pretty much all I listened to when I was in high school.

I'll catch up with you all on Tuesday! Have a great weekend everyone!

 photo H54Fbutton-1_zpsa7aaa665.pngxoxo Rebecca


  1. We had V-Day donuts in the office yesterday! So worth the calories!!

  2. OMG I love NYC and I am so jealous!! Have a great time!! And I love your description of a Beavertail...sugar on top of heaven, SO true. I have a recipe for them that I'm dying to try...Nutella is my favourite! happy free food day! ;)

  3. I had two donuts this morning and thinking about getting another one lol. Have a good and long weekend!!! :)

  4. see when you get things like a rose and a donut on VD how can you complain about the holiday ;)

  5. Boooo my work blocks youtube but I loved that Ashanti and Ja Rule song back i the day...I apologize if that is what you posted stupid firewalls. I am never one to turn down a free donut.....or cake for that matter ;-)

  6. I love when Ashanti makes her comebacks but she always seems to disappear again lol Good Back That Azz Up Choice!

  7. I'm jealous of your three-day weekend! And free food is the way to my heart as well :)xx

  8. Have fun in NYC! So jealous! I took today off so I spoiled myself with sleeping in. Something I neeeever do. :)

  9. You post the best food on your blog. I think I drool at almost every post.... oops! Now...time for me to go find a donut...

  10. Yayyy can't wait to see you tomorrow!! :)

  11. Enjoy the weekend, have an awesome time!

  12. Ohhh fun! NYC! I'm excited to see your post about your trip!

  13. I fully support donuts as Valentine's Day gifts. The way to my heart is through my stomach.

  14. There are closing the Beavertails in my home town. My family and I were discussing it last night at dinner and everyone is gutted. I was just like, yeah, I there are tons in Toronto, so I'm good. Probably wasn't the best thing to say.. haha enjoy your Family Day!


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